Publications, Analysis Code & Data

Published (*shared first author)

1. Fritz, J., Piccirillo, M., Cohen, Z. D., Frumkin, M., Kirtley, O. J., Moeller, J., Neubauer, A. B., Norris, L. A., Schuurmann, N. K., Snippe, E., & Bringmann, L. F. (2024). So you want to do ESM? Ten Essential Topics for Implementing the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. link
2. Deisenhofer, A.-K., … Fritz, J., … Cohen, Z. D. (2023). Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward. Behaviour Research and Therapy. link
3. Schäfer, S. K., Fritz, J., Sopp, R., Kunzler, A. M., von Boros, L., Tüscher, O., Göritz, A. S., Lieb, K., & Michael T. (2023). Interrelations of resilience factors and their incremental impact for mental health: Insights from network modeling using a prospective study across seven timepoints. Translational Psychiatry. link
4. Jefferies, P., Fritz, J., Deighton, J. & Ungar, M. (2023). Analysis of Protective Factors in Schoolchildren in England Using the Dual-factor Model of Mental Health. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. link 
5. Wiedemann, A., Stochl, J., Neufeld, S.A.S, Fritz, J., Bhatti, J., Hook, R., NSPN Consortium, Goodyer, I.M., Dolan, R., Bullmore, E.T., Chamberlain, S.R., Fonagy, R., Perez, J., & Jones, P.B. (2022). The impact of the initial COVID-19 outbreak on young adults’ mental health: a longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors. Scientific Reports. link 
 6. Pollmann, A., Fritz, J., Barker, T., & Fuhrmann. D. (2022). A Topology of Adversities in Adolescence: Networks of Adversity in Childhood and Adolescence and their Relationship to Adult Mental Health. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. link & R code
 7. Jefferies, P., Höltge, J., Fritz, J., & Ungar, M. (2021). A cross-country network analysis of resilience systems in young adults. Emerging Adulthood. link & R code
8. Schlechter, P.,* Fritz, J.,* Cassels, M.,* Neufeld, S. A. S., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2021). Youth and Childhood Adversity Scale: A Step towards Developing a New Measure of Adversity and its Severity. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. link & R code & data
9. Schueler, K., Fritz, J., Dorfschmidt, L., van Harmelen, A.-L., Strömer, E., & Wessa, M. (2021). Psychological Network Analysis of General Self-Efficacy in High vs Low Resilient Functioning Healthy Adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry: Public Mental Health. link & code
10. Stochl, J., Soneson, S., Stuart, F., Fritz, J., Walsh, A. E. L., Croudace, T., … Perez, J. (2021). Determinants of Patient-Reported Outcome Trajectories and Symptomatic Recovery in Improving Access to Psychological Treatment (IAPT) Services. Psychological Medicine. link & R code & synthetic data
11. Fritz, J., Stochl, J., Kievit, R. A., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2021). Tracking Stress, Mental Health and Resilience Factors in Medical Students, Before, During and After a Stress-Inducing Exam Period: Protocol and Proof of Principle Analyses for the RESIST Cohort-Study. JMIR Formative Research. link & R code & data
 12. Fritz, J. (2020). Shedding Light on the Complex Picture of Psychosocial Factors that Promote Mental Health in Young People (Doctoral thesis). link
 13. Stochl, J., Fried, E., Fritz, J., Croudace, T., Knight, C., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2020). On Dimensionality, Measurement Invariance and Suitability of Sum Scores for the PHQ-9 and the GAD-7. Assessmentlink & R code & synthetic data
 14. Fritz, J., Stochl, J., Goodyer, I. M., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2020). Embracing the Positive: An Examination of How Well Resilience Factors at Age 14 Can Predict Distress at Age 17. Translational Psychiatry. link & R code & data
 15. Fritz, J., Stochl, J., Fried, E. I., Goodyer, I. M., van Borkulo, C. D., Wilkinson, P. O., & van Harmelen, A.-L. (2019). Unravelling the Complex Nature of Resilience Factors and their Changes between Early and Later Adolescence. BMC Medicine. link & R code & data & Are resilience and risk factors opposing sides of the same coin?
 16. Kalisch, R., Cramer, A. O. J. Binder, H., Fritz, J., Leertouwer, I., Lunansky, G., … & van Harmelen, A.-L. (2019). Deconstructing and Reconstructing Resilience: A Dynamic Network Approach. Perspectives on Psychological Sciences. link
17. Fritz, J., Stretton, J., Askelund, A. D., Schweitzer, S., Walsh, N., Elzinga, B. E., … van Harmelen, A.-L. (2019). Mood and Neural Responses to Social Rejection Do Not Seem to Be Altered in Resilient Adolescents with a History of Adversity. Development and Psychopathology. link
18. Fritz, J., Fried, E. I., Goodyer, I. M., Wilkinson, P. O., van Harmelen, A.-L. (2018). A Network Model of Resilience Factors for Adolescents with and without Exposure to Childhood Adversity. Scientific Reports. link & R code & data
19. Fritz, J., de Graaff, A. M., Caisley, H., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2018). A Systematic Review of Amenable Resilience Factors that Moderate and/ or Mediate the Relationship between Childhood Adversity and Mental Health in Young People. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Special Issue: Resilience, Life Events, Trajectories and The Brain. link

Under review, submitted & preprints

1. Schlechter, P., Lutz, N., Morina, N., Grant, J., Lochner, C., Chamberlain, S. R., Wilkinson, P. O., & Fritz, J. The Comprehensive Adversity Measure (CAM): A Measure of Early Adversity and its Severity. Under review, preprinted. OSF link
2. Fritz, J., Stochl, J., Haslbeck, J. M. B., Widmer, B., Galante, J., Moore, M., Carey, E., Allen, C., Jones, P. B., & Ford, T. J. Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Intensive Longitudinal Study Exploring the Dynamic Ecosystem of Psychosocial Factors and Mental Distress Among College Students. Submitted for publication, preprinted. OSF link
3. Piccirillo, M.,* Fritz, J.,* Cohen, Z., Frumkin, M., Kirtley, O. J., Moeller, J., Neubauer, A. B., Norris, L., Schuurman, N. K., Snippe, E., & Bringmann, L. F. So you want to advance ESM research? A momentary assessment on the future of the experience sampling method (ESM). Submitted for publication, preprinted. OSF link
4. Hehlmann, M. I., Siepe, B. S., Mink, F., Loray, J. S. P., Fritz, J., Moggia, D. N., Rubel, J. A., & Lutz, W. (2024). Exploring the predictive value of different affect dynamics for psychological treatment outcome. Submitted for publication. OSF preregistration link
5. Fritz, J., Kievit, R., Stochl, J., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. On the Dynamics and Mutual Relations of Mental Distress, Brooding and Self-Esteem from Before to After Naturally Occurring Exam Stress. Thesis chapter. link: chapter 7 code data
 6. Fritz, J., Stochl, J., Goodyer, I. M., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. An Empirical Examination of How Resilience Factors Mitigate the Effect of Childhood Adversity on Adolescent Mental Health. Thesis chapter, preprinted. link & R code & data

In preparation

  • Fritz, J., Krüger, E.-M., Venhoff, L., Dayani, A. Z., & Salzmann, S. How promising are I-PROMs (idiographic patient-reported outcome measures)? A systematic review on how they work, whether they can be leveraged as feedback tools, and on their generalizability. Manuscript in preparation. link to preregistration


  1. Hehlmann, M. I., Siepe, B. S., Mink, F., Loray, J. S. P., Fritz, J., Moggia, D. N., Rubel, J. A., & Lutz, W. (2024). Exploring the predictive value of different affect dynamics for psychological treatment outcome. OSF preregistration. link
  2. Fritz, J., Krüger, E.-M., Venhoff, L., Dayani, Z., & Salzmann, S. (2022). How promising are I-PROMs (idiographic patient-reported outcome measures)? A systematic review on how they work, whether they can be leveraged as feedback tools, and on their generalizability. PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews. CRD42022361535. link
  3. Fritz, J., Kievit, R. A., Stochl, J., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2020). Exploring the Case of Mental Health Mutualism: Do Resilience Factor Levels and Mental Health Problems Change Mutualistically, from Before to During and After Exam Stress Exposure? OSF preregistration. link
  4. Fritz, J., de Graaff, A. M., Caisley, H., van Harmelen, A.-L., & Wilkinson, P. O. (2016). Resilience Following Childhood Adversity (CA): A Systematic Review of Resilience Factors which Mitigate the Risk of Psychopathology after the Exposure to CA. PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews.  CRD42016051978. link